Helping older adults age in place in safe, secure, and economically sustainable housing in our service area.

Building Hope Together is a coalition effort between House of Neighborly Service, Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church, and San Antonio Time Dollar Community Connections to improve the ability of economically challenged seniors to maintain independent lives in safe housing. Our coalition aims to help older adults age in place, build generational wealth, and preserve legacy housing through our programs and collaborations. Our program ensures that the homes of older adults within our service area are safe, secure, and sustainable.
Our Partners

Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church
Divine Redeemer Presbyterian Church has served the Westside since 1915.
Divine Redeemer offers:
Spanish and English Worship on Sunday mornings
Bible Studies and Prayer Groups mid-week
Community Thanksgiving and Christmas Celebrations
Boy Scout Troop 52, the second oldest troop in San Antonio
Our Service Area
W. Poplar St. to W. Cesar E. Chavez Blvd.
N.W. 19th St. to N. Colorado St.